Pif-Paf Newletter – MAY 2023

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Pif-Paf Newletter – MAY 2023
Read the full scoop with the link below…
Pif-Paf curated : A community celebration of music, light & joy.
Meersbrook, Sheffield SAT Feb 4th 2023
A film by: Jake Barrett
Delivered with funding from Arts Council England Lottery Funding
Community Making in windows and lanterns
3 Street Bands (Mini, Junior & Adult) ‘Cliffe Jumpers’
‘Moths At Work – Moon‘ Pif-Paf
‘Woodland Animal Lanterns’ A Bird in the Hand Theatre
Big Thanks to all those involved:
Sara Blackburn: Community Project Manager
Sammi Gabb: Production Manager
Dan Johnstone from Sheffield Music Hub: Leader of the Junior Jumpers
Ford Collier: Leader of the Mini CJs
Alison Duddle & A bird in the Hand Theatre: Woodland animals
Nats Bellingham & Charlie Hammond as the Moths
The volunteer marshalls who kept the streets safe
Kopi & Chai: Event hub
The Cliffe Jumpers: Chiv Charvet, Johanna Jardine, Lotte Bennet, Sally RowanTree, Steve Fotios, Wookie, Rupert and Pete
A Plus Medical Services for the just in case, Rachael Walton for evaluation skills and the local S8 community that came out and celebrated with us from their front gardens, doorsteps and street.
What a lovely time.
We’ve taken the exciting new step of launching TOAST as a 2 performer or 3 performer version – to be honest it’s because the wonderful Kate Griffin is in such high demand and we didn;t want to say no to any more chances to get our and TOAST. She has recorded many of her parts and we are backing up the live performace of Pete and Chiv with this. This version has already toured to the Royal Shakespeare Company for the Bard’s birthday and to the lovely Taste Bradford food festival where we were next to the wonderful Bradford Stories Bus – and was very enthusiastically received at both.