As the first of 5 releases this year it’s great let you know the sound track for our new Sound and Light Sculpture Sunshines on the Fallen Tree is released on Bandcamp and all the rest for you to listen to and download. Composed and performed by Eleanor and Kate Griffin this 12 minute piece is inspired by movements of a requiem – a meditation and homage to the Ash tree in its decline and the sunshine and energy in the woodland glade when a large tree falls. It blends Eleanors trademark ethereal vocals and Kates exquisite musicianship – in a beautiful moving collaboration. This is Eleanor’s first release so get your headphones or turn up the hi-fi and head over to the link below & share, support and follow her. Any proceeds from downloads will support Eleanor and Kate to make new compositions… https://eleanorhooper.bandcamp.com/ Thanks to Sam Proctor at Lismore Mastering, Ric Booth and James Barlow at Three Galleys for mixing and to Daniel Weaver for being a wise councillor. Keep your ears peeled for more releases… |
Patrick Soul “A beautiful, lush, spacious meditative journey. Very nice!”