We’ve taken the exciting new step of launching TOAST as a 2 performer or 3 performer version – to be honest it’s because the wonderful Kate Griffin is in such high demand and we didn;t want to say no to any more chances to get our and TOAST. She has recorded many of her parts and we are backing up the live performace of Pete and Chiv with this. This version has already toured to the Royal Shakespeare Company for the Bard’s birthday and to the lovely Taste Bradford food festival where we were next to the wonderful Bradford Stories Bus – and was very enthusiastically received at both.
Pete has a fantastic 3 days as a “facilitator provocateur” at @nofit_state_circus #circusvillage he got to meet and play with some stone cold LEGENDS of UK circus!
Somehow ended up leading a engineering/modelmaking session that became the rigging team, building a mini big top, and helping Gabbie Clarke develop an idea around chinese pole kit.
Such a great team and company culture in the NoFit compound – leading by example! Thank you
Pif-Paf are a Theatre and Artistic Installation company touring the UK and beyond and based in Sheffield. We are preparing for a one off event on Feb 4th 2023 4-6pm where 2 street theatre acts and 2 street bands will march around the neighbourhood of Cliffefield Road, Sheffield to bring joy and light to houses that we hope will be decorated to draw them in. We have permissions and safety planning in place – the activity will be along pavements.
We want to recruit an experienced youth music worker for a short contact. We have a plan to recruit members of the community but we do not know what this will bring but we need the music worker confirmed. Numbers wise we are looking at 6-10 young people. Age range is focussing 9-12 years but not exclusively.
Job Specification
- Experience of and love for working with Childrens/Young peoples ensembles
- Ability to work with percussion and melody
- Enjoy being outdoors
- up to date DBS
- Street band experience
- Access to a stock of appropriate instruments (we have a hire budget)
The vision is a version of a Second Line band balancing quality of output with quality of experience and expertise of participants with making it accessible. We want joy, noise and pride in what they achieve.
(There will also be an adults community band out on the night)
Fee: Minimum 3 rehearsal sessions, 1 performance, 1 preparation all @ £100 = £500
Potential extra sessions depending on how instruments and arrangements need organising.
- The event is SAT 4th February 2023
- 3 rehearsals are assumed to be either after school or sat afternoon – One a week running up to the event.
- Recruitment of the band participants starts on a mini light walk on 13th Dec.
We encourage application from all backgrounds. Please send a CV and covering letter and any links to mail@pif-paf.co.uk — or just ring Pete on 07931 339 161 if you have any questions.
This will be a fair but informal recruitment process – Deadline for applicants 3rd Nov 2022.
Deadline Friday 28th Oct, 5pm. Please send CV and covering letter to touring@pif-paf.co.uk scroll down for CPM opportunity if in news feed
This is a Fixed term freelance contract to gather and collate evaluation data from across Pif-Paf’s practice.
Pif-Paf is a leading outdoor arts company creating top quality cross art-form work for festivals and events with leading partners around the UK. Based in Sheffield we are always developing a number of projects around physical, object and circus theatre. Full information is available at www.pif-paf.co.uk. The company consists of two Directors, a P/T Tour Manager and a team of brilliant freelancers.
We are looking for a dedicated and thorough freelancer with strong IT skills who enjoys talking to people to gather important data to help us evaluate our work using tools developed for the project.
This role could be combined with our other job post for Community Project Manager.
Responsible to – Co AD Pete Gunson
Fee (£1080, 9 @ £120) Time to be managed as part of role. Travel costs outside Sheffield will be covered
Gather qualitative and quantitative evaluation from community as part of our Cliffefield Light Walk project (Sheffield Jan/Feb 2023 )
Gather evaluation from audience for a sample of our Neighbourhood touring in Jan/Feb 2023 (South Yorkshire)
Same for a sample of our National touring UK wide over winter and summer 22/23
Collate and present this data as agreed with Pif-Paf
Organise the QR code links to audience surveys
Person Specification:
Essential :
* Attention to detail and reliability
* Flexibility and ability to use own initiative
* Own office facilities
* Excellent attention to detail
* Strong communication skills for work with team and a confidence to engage strangers in conversation
* Good IT skills, especially spreadsheets and docs
* A commitment to increasing access to the arts
* Enthusiasm to develop and experiment with ever more engaging ways of evaluating our work
* Experience of evaluation
* Knowledge of UK Outdoor Arts sector
* Knowledge and experience of the arts sector
* Understanding of and experience in ACE audience jargon
* Further capabilities in data representation
Application deadline: Fri 28th Oct 5pm. Call to interview Tues 8th Nov
Interviews 21st or 22nd Nov
Role span Jan 2023 to July 2023
Deadline Friday 28th Oct, 5pm. Application by CV & covering letter to touring@pif-paf.co.uk
This is a freelance fixed term contract to manage community involvement for our ‘Cliffefield Light Wanderers’ activity in Sheffield, S8.
Pif-Paf is a leading outdoor arts company creating top quality cross art-form work for festivals and events with leading partners around the UK. Based in Sheffield we are always developing a number of projects around physical, object and circus theatre. Full information is available at www.pif-paf.co.uk. The company consists of two Directors, a P/T Tour Manager and a team of freelancers.
We are looking for a highly capable candidate to deliver a multifaceted community outdoor arts activity from Dec 2022 to Feb 2023, ideally locally based. Role involves being out and about in the area (often afternoon and early evening hours) and working from home. Recruitment and scheduling of groups is a key aspect and ensuring all in the neighbourhood have access to it. You will be a community focussed individual committed to bringing people together though conversations.
This role could be combined with our other job post for Evaluation Administrator.
Responsible to – Co AD Pete Gunson
Fee (£1760, 11 days @ £160) Time to be managed as part of role.
* Community recruitment, building commitment and enthusiasm – including for 2 community bands and volunteer Marshalls
* Scheduling and project administration as required inc community band rehearsals
* Find and deliver ways to bring marginalised members of the neighbourhood into the activity
* Manage reasonable queries and concerns from neighbourhood
* Work with Pif-Paf activity accessibility
* Build trust and understanding with bands and band leaders
* Liaise with Activity Hub (local cafe) and production manager/safety lead for the event
* Liaise with artists and volunteers at event
* Manage small budget for contingency items for bands
* Engage with project and role evaluation
* Other reasonable activities as they arise and fit into allocated hours
Key Dates – must be available 3-7pm 13th Dec 2022 and 11am- 9pm 4th Feb 2023.
The role is weighted towards half day sessions in Sheffield S8
Person Specification:
* Ability to understand and promote Pif-Paf’s ethos on community and participatory art
* Strong conversational skills and a passion for building relationships with a broad community in person
* Experience of working with community
* Enjoy working outdoors
* Attention to detail, resilience and reliability
* Flexibility and ability to use own initiative – hours will include a lot of 3-9pm
* Up to date DBS
* Own office facility
* Ability to travel to and around the area
* Sheffield based, know or have a connection to the area (Cliffefield Rd/Derbyshire Ln)
* Experience of outdoor arts, events, community music
* Experience of project management
* Safeguarding, event, first aid training
Pif-Paf celebrates diversity and encourages applicants from all backgrounds
Application deadline: Fri 28th Oct 5pm; CV & covering letter to touring@pif-paf.co.uk. Call to interview by Tues 1st Nov.
Interviews: 14th or 15th Nov in Sheffield (can be flexible)
Please get in touch to discuss any access questions. Applications can be by writing or video. Feel free to email pete@pif-paf.co.uk or phone 07931 339 161.

As the first of 5 releases this year it’s great let you know the sound track for our new Sound and Light Sculpture Sunshines on the Fallen Tree is released on Bandcamp and all the rest for you to listen to and download. Composed and performed by Eleanor and Kate Griffin this 12 minute piece is inspired by movements of a requiem – a meditation and homage to the Ash tree in its decline and the sunshine and energy in the woodland glade when a large tree falls. It blends Eleanors trademark ethereal vocals and Kates exquisite musicianship – in a beautiful moving collaboration. This is Eleanor’s first release so get your headphones or turn up the hi-fi and head over to the link below & share, support and follow her. Any proceeds from downloads will support Eleanor and Kate to make new compositions… https://eleanorhooper.bandcamp.com/ Thanks to Sam Proctor at Lismore Mastering, Ric Booth and James Barlow at Three Galleys for mixing and to Daniel Weaver for being a wise councillor. Keep your ears peeled for more releases… |
Patrick Soul “A beautiful, lush, spacious meditative journey. Very nice!”
Yep, the rumours are true. We finally managed a 2022 update for you all.
“Hello World!
We’ve made Sunshine On The Fallen Tree, toured Moths At Work Moon and Lightbulb. Celestial Sound Cloud and Bee Cart have hit the road, SEED and the Cycles are waiting in the wings and we’re resting TOAST to rise again in 2023.
Eleanor and Pete are wrapping up their DYCPs and we’re cooking up new ideas for neighbourhood touring. As ever check out our touring as it grows… “

Not yet on our mailing list, but want to be?
Our brand new commission opened Friday 11th March at @wentworth_woodhouse as part of the ‘We Wonder Noir’ event – It was one of many brilliant peices that lit up this amazing Grade I listed building.
This new sound and light installation, celebrates the Ash tree, asks us what we need to do in the face of challenges and is the start of a new body of work mixing sustainability with more tech. We’ve made an idea we’ve been brewing for 3 years and taken our interactive sound and light tech collaboration with Vasthu to the next level. The sound track is a beautiful 12 minute composition by Eleanor and Kate Griffin who have been working together on Eleanor’s DYCP and the sculpture was supported by Pete’s DYCP learning how to use steam bent Ash to make outdoor light work then manage and develop the tech. We are gathering co-commissioners to support making this R&D version more enveloping (ie bigger) so please do let us know if this sounds inviting. The future will see us using these techniques to make a distributed but centrally animated installation. |
Today Pif-Paf’s guide to Neighbourhood Touring has launched, it is available to download via the Outdoor Arts UK website or link below.

Its been a busy few months, but in his ‘spare’ time Pete has penned this guide, which we hope will be useful should you embark along a similar path. The process was all new to us last year and we very much learnt along the way.
Shout out to the lovely folk who contributed to the piece: @Sammi Gabb; Justine Squires (Corvus Angelicus); Matt Pang (The Happy Heart Bike); Musical Ruth (Circo Rum Ba Ba); Stella Hall (Festival of Thrift); Kat Boon (Appetite); Chanti Hobbit (Can’t Sit Still and Stuff and Nonsense); Dan Fox (Sound Intervention Ltd.); Jude Jagger (Quays Culture), and Barra Collins (LAStheatre).
We’d love to hear from you about how your experiences, challenges and solutions differed from ours, feel free to contact us.
Pete wrote a blog post all about Neighbourhood Touring.
“Finding audiences at home, experiencing their joy at someone giving a damn about them and their street, crashing birthday parties and school runs, it was all very magical.”
Read it in full here…
Big thanks to Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council and Stellar Projects for making this project possible.
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